Saturday, November 14, 2009

Questions About Religion.


I’m trying to understand why people believe in God.

I’ve been to Ajenta and Ellora caves and seen the incredible work that had been done over history in worship of different gods. Making those caves was a painstaking work. Was all that energy coming from the belief in god?

Visiting Varanasi also gave me some kind of a shock. There are people living in the most holy part of the city. It’s a belief that if you die in this part, you will be blessed (or something like that, excuse me for the non exact terms). People just stay inside this part their whole life, not going out, being afraid to die in a place outside the wholly part. How do people limit themselves to such an extent?

I find it hard to believe in something I don’t have any proof for its existence. I can understand the comfort person find in believing in hard times, but is that comfort enough?

It probably sounds arrogant from a certain point of view. It is not my intention. Just thoughts that have been going through my mind lately. I can’t really make an attempt to answer these questions at this point. Hope I’ll be able to some day (?).

*This post is not meant to hurt anyone. I’m asking questions and raising points I’m curious about, and would love to hear any opinion.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Elinor,

    one of my posts is a comment to your blog. It's called "Relogious Reasons". I did not know how to link it to your blog or so, this is why I let you know this way...

    hope you are enjoying your holidays!
